Thursday 18 July 2013

Stone, Cloth, Box Story

In this task for writers for designers we were supposed to have a story done which we were going to illustrate and then shoot the video based on the story.

With that understanding, i then got my concept ready and this was going to be the story i was going to use to have my video done.

Being close buddies has the consequences of breaking friendship through petty fights or sometimes large ones and this was one that almost ended Brizzo's and Muzo's friendship. The two were inseparable but one argument left one sad and started to reflect on past activities they did together.

Muzo had flipped over Brizzo on something that escalated and left Muzo chasing Brizzo away and with a friendship like theirs, Brizzo was touched by this. Walking into his room, he entered and saw the memories box where he kept some of his stuff that him and Muzo had encountered. He approached the box and held it and there was a sad and hurt guy who just sat down and reflected on what looked like something he didnt expect.

Opening the box slowly and just the look on his face, one could easily tell, this was deeply touching. Reading a letter Muzo had sent him a long time ago made a little smile on Brizzo and then he went through some of his pocket change and came across the stone which he remembered like a dream where the two walked very happy like it was never a dull day, at the pond, bonding and throwing pebbles across the water, Brizzo then snapped back to reality and then smiled and totally realised the fight was pointless. Later touching the cloth he then remembered his birthday present which Muzo had blind folded him and just showed him what he had always wanted, such a happy face with a big smile, his emotions were pricessless. Finally laughing at Muzo's passport photo which was in the box, Brizzo was enlightened and could smile after such a bad fight. Suddenly, a knock is heard and Brizzo approaches the door. The best friend but at that moment, enemy Muzo comes in and looks equally as sad as Brizzo and then just gets to his senses and realises what happened was wrong and they did not need to fight which leads to Muzo apologising to Brizzo and the two finally making up.

The full video was directed and edited by Th33 Brizz and you can click here to watch the full video.


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