Monday 9 December 2013

Tattoo Culture Part 2

The importance of tattoos now has different reasons with the modern of life that we are living in right now. They are currently a regular lifestyle and a quickly being noticed into social order. This was not dependably the situation. More senior eras are disillusioned with this thought as they consider tattoos with negative issues, however they are gradually needing to manage this new thought.

Tattoos are sometimes used to recall a lost adored one. These are used since the individual feels a feeling of distinction towards the individual they have lost, and an indication of appreciation. The name of the individual is regularly utilized within this sort of tattoo, yet not dependably. Certain images could be utilized within spot of the persons name that symbolize the remembrances of that individual.

FIG. 1

The image above shows what we just described as the way tattoos can be used to show appreciation of a lost one. 

Other place that people, men and women that place their tattoos is the back. With such a big place to place tattoos, they normally go for angel wings. These also have a spiritual meaning to give that angelic feel to their personality and that they can rise above anything and any hardship that comes through. But with the modern age, people pay less attention to this and go for the physical appearance whether it was a good tattoo or not. (Hendricks, 2013)

Expressions/words are additionally used to say particular phrases, typically rotating around trust and have an inspiring message to the person of the people that view it. On the other hand, regularly individuals will have these expressions composed in an alternate dialect other than English. Generally the dialect is picked since the expression has the ability to be composed in an image or look like a configuration as opposed to composed expressions.

Tattoos have been around for a long time, going once again to when tribes utilized them to symbolize enrollment. Today, tattoos speak to more than being the part of a tribe. A paramount segment of self-representation for a few, tattoos speak to diverse things and serve distinctive capacities for every single person.

Some individuals get a charge out of the wide show of tattoos on the grounds that every one recounts an alternate story or looks engaging. Whatever the motivation behind the tattoo, it is an unique stamp on the skin of that individual. 

As excellent and unique as tattoos might be for fans, they should beware of the weaknesses tattoos and their position can have. Getting a tattoo can serve an incredible reason, yet the position of the tattoo can have an expansive effect on future attempts. 

It is paramount to remember that while seeking an occupation, particularly a vocation that may require formal business clothing once a day, a prospective superintendent may view tattoos as amateurish. 

Getting a tattoo in a spot that is not difficult to conceal with dress, such as on the foot, back, hip, stomach or upper arm, will make the occupation chase simpler than if the tattoos were completely uncovered constantly. In any case, not all occupations are against tattoos. Work fields in anything with outline or symbolization will likely wouldn't fret the vicinity of tattoos. (Hendricks, 2013).


They are many influences out there that cause us to get these tattoos. And with these influences, the amount of people that are getting tattoos nowadays is much larger than before. These tattoos being constantly inked on peoples bodies are now being regarded as a ‘fine art’ which people are to stand by. Tattoo artists are now the people that also encourage to go a lot more mainstream. With club influences, what we see on the internet, peer pressure, to feel or look cool among others, the urge to feel the pain. It is such reasons people visit the ink shop and get inked. Some tattoo artists despite whatever reason a person may want to get a tattoo, they consider the body sacred hence some tattoos cannot be placed on the body because the respect they should have it. Hence putting an irrelevant tattoo on a body would be like an insult but because tattooing has become so mainstream, others look at it as an art hence whatever they want on their own bodies, they’ll find ways to get it. (Randomhistory, 2008).

·      Media – according to (Crossley, 2013) what we see on television, radio, internet, pictures etc. are also influences to us people that want tattoos. What you see, is what you get. For that some people will feel the urge to get a tattoo. Seeing major artists, role models, sportsmen in advertisements, posters etc. will give out a message of being rich, having a higher status in life where people will look up to you as well give you this successful feel of accomplishing something to be ‘up there’ with tattoos. This causes people to get a tattoo because it is the ‘in thing’ and because it will give them a status value due to it being a fashion in this modern time.

Events – people normally tend to get tattoos of events that happen in their life. This is because they are memorable and they would want to have something to always look back to and something they can at least hold on to. These event tattoos are normally got on such situations :

1. Birth of a child
2. Death of a loved one
3. Paying tribute to something/someone
4. Important day of life e.g. birthday, marriage day, winning of something
5. Passion of something can also be tatted to show what their life has an impact on.

With some of these reasons being a ‘good’ thing, there’s also the bad choice in getting a tattoo. Some of these choices tend to be realized after the peer pressure they normally had or a life happening that made them realize that it wasn’t worth it at all. Situations where tattoos are not relevant are shown below (Kelly, 2013):
  •  Lovers Name – being in love sometimes may not happen for a while to be certified that you and your partner will be in love forever. Especially if the two aren’t married to show certified proof.

  •  Favorite Vice - this is having or being attracted to something on the regular that you can’t do without it for a long time. E.g. beer tattoo, clothing line tattoo, car logo.
  • ·    No reason for it – this is the one thing that gets people get tattoos anyhow. With the response of saying ‘they just want to have a tattoo’ and when asked why, answer ‘I have no reason but just want to get it’. These are normally done with the influence of peer pressure around friends where people just want to get it because it is the in thing and will give you a status value among others.

Having a tattoo can be one of the biggest decisions that one can may get. Why you may ask? Well because this is ink that stays on your body for practically the rest of your life and having this permanent mark on your body has some negative effects that affects us.

In reference to an article (, 2013) “Society frowns upon many things today in age, one of the biggest and most common being tattoos. In a recent study, completed by myself, the average person described body art as dirty, and gross. The damage tattoos can bring to someone in today’s society can be a lot worse than one would think. Many employers will not hire someone with tattoos, when they come in for an interview, and some employers will fire their staff if they find out they have tattoos. Over half of the families in Canada would not let their children get tattoos. A lot of parents kick their kids out of the house for getting body art, which leaves them, in most cases, with nowhere to go. Some families even disown children; I have a friend from high school in which this happened to. A large number of Restaurants and stores will not allow entrance with body art showing, must have them covered up or no entry. “

It’s clear to see that some points are highlighted when getting a tattoo and what it causes us to deal with: 
Employment difficulties
Unrespectable towards parents
Makes us restricted to go/enter places
Homeless when chased
Health issues are also forced to damage us and the tattoos.

Getting a tattoo back then was more of a stereotype thing which created less of these effects. Someone who had a tattoo was related to being in prison, evil, in a gang. Most of these relations having something to do with doing bad things. But with the new generation of today, this stereotype has stretched out with now people who are lawyers, doctors, teachers etc. all getting tattoos all to embrace this piece of ‘art’. 
People now getting tattoos’ in visible areas are now forced to restrict themselves in wearing certain clothes that are able to hide these tattoos. Especially with the working class of people today. 
Tattoos in certain areas such as the neck, face, lower arm were considered to be bad places to get tatted up because these would give then people in society a very judgemental of the person. Worse off, when going for a job interview, these tattoos are displayed. The chances of getting the job are very low than someone without because, the person with tattoos may even be charged with insubordination of having visible tattoos. (, 2009)


A tattoo is an imprint made on your skin with shades done through pricks into the skin's top layer. Normally, the tattooist utilizes a hand-held machine that like much as a sewing machine, with one or more needles puncturing the skin over and over. With each cut, the needles leaves little ink droplets. The method which if not done probably by having neutralized instruments may be a danger to our health.

Knowing the risks of these tattoos are important to know what effect they can give to our skin. Some of these allergies are shown below.

  • Hypersensitive responses. Tattoo colors — particularly red, green, yellow and blue colors — can cause hypersensitive skin responses, for example an irritated rash at the tattoo site. This can happen even years after you get the tattoo done.

  • Skin Infections - some of these tattoos may cause skin irritation like by having a rush, some may have a pus-type of infection which normally happes after having the tattoo done.

  • Blood-borne diseases - because of machine used when making this tattoo, if the instrument is not cleaned or replaced by a new one, diseases such as tetanus, hepatitis B and C have a chance of being caught by the person.

  • MRI Complications - Tattoos or changeless cosmetics may reason swelling or smoldering in the influenced zones throughout attractive thunder imaging MRI exams. In a few cases, tattoo colors can meddle with the nature of the picture. For example when an individual who has perpetual eyeliner has a MRI of the eye.

With the research that was covered in this component where we had to go in deeper and see what is it that gives this tattoo culture more than what meets the eye. Studying visual communication and understanding culture meaning gave me a widened understanding of things. The more than I did research on this subject, tattoos, i learnt things like why people get tattoos, what is the meaning behind it all, the health issues around it all etc. The is more than just sitting on that chair and getting inked up. Certain precautions have to be taken into place like religion, certain beliefs and statements that i wasnt aware of FULLY were helped by this study/module.
My skills of understanding things by visuals and having to know the meaning behind it more will help in many ways in such that you could study a culture in a particular area for example, see the people there and before you bring out something for the people in that town e.g shopping mall, You can evaluate what type of people will visit that shop and who it will be. Such things are how i understood to research more on cultures that are out there. 

The tattoo culture also looks to  be on that is growing and growing. They have become mainstream that practically anyone can now get a tattoo than before. Lawyers, police men, such examples than before where it was stereotype when someone was to get a tattoo they would be judged on certain things like religion, way of life, behaviour and so forth. The tattoos back then added value to someone but because it is becoming so mainstream in a fashionable way, this value may not be ‘special’ anymore because it is something soon to be ‘normal’ because everyone will or has it.

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